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Scallops--are they necessary?
01-19-2012, 02:53 AM,
Scallops--are they necessary?
Some people have asked about scallops for their hair line. First of all for the newbies I'll explain what scallops are. Scallops are a zig zag hair line used with the intent of 'breaking up the hair line' so as to avoid a 'wall of hair' and add realism to the hair line. Scallops are a bad idea for two reasons:

-It's yesterday's technology. Years ago hair systems had very poor bases--they were thick and detectable. Excessive density was used to hide the base. People frequently used the term 'rug' to describe these hair pieces. And the front hair line was 'doll's hair'--it looked like it was inserted by a machine and perfectly straight. To compensate for this unrealistic look customers would request a scalloped front to break up the 'wall of hair' and make it look more natural. Today that's not necessary. Our factory makes all units with a staggered hair line meaning that the front hairs are vented irregularly just like real human hair grows on a person's head--not perfectly straight. There is no need for scallops since this type of venting avoids the 'wall of hair' look.

-Have you ever tried to bond all those little zig zags? It's a nightmare! You have to constantly be looking in the mirror for a tip that has popped up. With a staggered front you can cut the front lace so that it's a smooth curve and the tape or glue bonding is much easier.

One of the most common objections that people have to wearing hair is---'I can spot a rug a mile away. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing one of those things.' These old systems have left a bad impression on people. They aren't aware that you can get an undetectable hair piece at an affordable price. And they don't know that there are people they see every day with an undetectable hair piece that is so good that nobody can tell they're wearing hair. Hopefully we can get people over this hump and make a change in their lives.

01-19-2012, 06:57 AM,
RE: Scallops--are they necessary?
I have never had scallops but i have seen a very thin skin piece(v-loop also) with them and the guy who wore it swore that for skin units it was a god send when any lifting occured compaired to a straight line,which he felt drew attention to the hairline when it lifted.
I suppose it all comes down to preference and what makes you comfortable.
Regarding the touch ups John ,i asked this guy used how he overcame this problem and he said to just brush a little glue on the skin and place back down with no problems.
01-19-2012, 09:02 AM,
RE: Scallops--are they necessary?
To each his own I guess. In our entire customer base I have only one person that orders a scalloped front.

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