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Trouble with ripples
07-10-2013, 09:05 AM,
Trouble with ripples
Is it every possible to complete get rid of ripples around the perimeter of the piece? No matter how hard I try there are always ripples and I feel like they are the biggest giveaway I'm wearing. I have to spend TONS of time making sure the hair is 100% covering the ripples and then if its windy or rains or someone touches my hair I get super self conscious and fear the ripples will be exposed. I have been avoiding going swimming for this reason. I'm not scared the piece will fall off while swimming, but I'm terrified the water will part the hair (clump the hair) in a way that it would reveal a ripple because any part of the base that isn't tightly attached to the scalp is for some reason crazy visible. I'm wearing a toplace custom unit (which is really great quality and I have no complaints about toplace). I just can't seem to figure out a way to not have ripples. Any help would be great! Thanks guys!
07-10-2013, 03:08 PM,
RE: Trouble with ripples
Hello Hair just type in Ripples in the search and about 100 suggestions will pop up. All the answers are there for you.
07-10-2013, 04:10 PM,
RE: Trouble with ripples
I tried that... but I could only seem to find stuff about front hairline ripples, which I haven't had any trouble with. I can usually get the front down no problem (I have some lifting issues from time to time, but not ripples). The ripples I'm having trouble with are around the perimeter (sides and back) and I couldn't find many suggestions (albeit maybe I chose all the exact wrong threads to investigate....)
07-10-2013, 09:05 PM,
RE: Trouble with ripples
You need to search about 'pleats'.
These are sewn in folds that reduce the perimeter and get rid of ripples.
When a system is too large for the head, the ripples can appear anywhere, at the front, side or back.
If you send in an accurate template with a custom order, the system is made to that shape, circumference and contours, and the fit eliminates ripples.
07-10-2013, 11:24 PM,
RE: Trouble with ripples
Hello Hair Scare do you have a custom or stock piece?. Hersute is right if you have many ripples you will have to have the size ajusted. Your sysytem is probably to big. Pleats are the answer. If you do not feel you have the expertise then find a hair salon in your area and have them add a pleat or 2.Until you find a solution , make sure that the ripples are either on the sides or back. Start you attachment from the front and make it nice and tight.If this is not enough you can always try cutting in a V in the vack and then tape it together and then apply the bond. Start with small V`s this way you will not cut more than you have to. The lifting is most probably due to the fact that the piece is to big. Hope this helps. However the ripple posts will help you to deal with ripples and how to minimize them.
07-13-2013, 03:31 AM,
RE: Trouble with ripples
Ahhh ok cool. Pleats sound intriguing.... although admittedly terrifying. My unit is a custom, but it must be a little big. I may have to make another template and send it in... I wonder if I did something wrong with how I made the first one. But ya, those ripples are my biggest concern right now (besides physical intimacy..... that still scares the hell out of me because everyone seems so obsessed with running fingers through hair....) Thanks for the help!
07-13-2013, 08:08 AM,
RE: Trouble with ripples
Hello Hair Scare, Do not worry everything will fall into place. Even a custom can sometimes be off a bit. If the thought of doing your own pleats scars you then just bring it into a good wig place and they will do it for you. Now about the intimacy part, when you get a tight well fitting piece with a good bond it is very hard for someone that does not wear a piece to tell you are wearing. We sometimes become our own worst enemy because we feel that everyone is looking for the tell tale signs that we tend to worry about. Thruth is that if they do not suspect you are wearing in the first place its very hard to tell.I let them run their fingers thru my hair and I only avoid the front hairline. That can be easier to detect. If you fell they are getting to felly feely with you hair just change position and just make it harder for them to touch .
07-15-2013, 02:45 AM,
RE: Trouble with ripples
That's very encouraging actually thanks. Because of the ripples I have been under the impression I could never let anyone even slightly play with my hair. (still wouldn't let them give me a scalp massage)... but good to know that a good fit and tight bond can be pretty darn realistic even by touch. That gives me hope.

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