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I will say Toplace saves me 50% of what the club costs.  Plus way better hair systems and 20 hours of drive time per year + 12 hours of service time.


I went thru the whole gamut, transplants, Rogaine, shampoo, concealors etc etc.  You know what?  I was so preoccupied with all that crap that I now look back & laugh.  I actually spend less time on my hair now with a system than most people do with real hair & it looks dam good!  Once you understand that the systems of today aren't the old albatross systems that look like some dead animal is stuck to your head ,& are very complimenting to your overall appearance, it's a breeze , so why wouldn't you wear?  It's all about accepting what you have & what you can do with whats out now & if these systems would have been around 20 yrs ago ,the amount of $$$$$$$$ & more importantly time I would have saved would have probably been able to buy a house if not a down payment!


Since there have been so many questions of late in regards to 'is there are any limitations on what you can do with the hair' I thought it would be a good time to post this.

I am currently on vacation (Been here 2 weeks) and where I am the weather is VERY hot! I have been getting 1week+ holds and been walking long distances, seeing the sights, swimming, spending 3 - 4 days at a time sharing the bathroom with other people and I have not had a single problem. I'm on day 5 with an attachment now and the hold is incredibly strong.

If you attach properly it is just like your own don't even think about it. I have looked the best I have looked in a very long time in some of these vacation shots we have been taking (will upload a few pics when I get back) and have been in pretty much every lighting condition with no problem. Nobody even glances at my hair and why would they? It looks normal...actually BETTER than normal because I style it - :p

Wearing hair is easy as long as YOU make it easy is what I have learned. This vacation has been nothing but a blessing for me because it has allowed me to really see if there are any limitations to wearing, and I don't know about others but for me there are none.


I was wearing crap hair for over 30 years until I found Toplace about a year and a half ago. I learned absolutely NOTHING those first 30 years.


I have some really mixed emotions about bad looking rugs mainly because I feel the hair companies greed is what caused the stigma associated with wearing. For years, they in my opinion, took advantage of every poor guy that simply wanted to improve his looks. I know it held me back from wearing for years and I'm sure there are going to be new people right now that read this and are nodding their heads in agreement. I researched wearing for over a year before I came upon Top Lace's forum. Sorry but I didn't trust anyone, there is no way I was ever going to be one of those poor guys walking around with a muskrat glued to my head. 

I too thought the only way to get a good piece was to pay thousands.  I looked into the hair clubs and heard enough bad stories that it almost became a phobia for me.  I'm not about to make fun of anyone that doesn't know any better or doesn't have the financial ability to do this thing right.  Nope I blame the scum sucking vulture hair companies for not only for their greed but for producing the garbage they put out and then ridiculously overcharging for it. Had it not been for this forum and the people here to lead me in the right direction maybe that could have been me you were laughing at and thats just not acceptable. lol

Funny part for me is so many of us wear so well that we look better than the guys with full heads of hair.


I am 27 years old.  I for one do not regret it at all. In fact, I'm really happy that I found it. I wouldn't know what I would have done without it. Either spent 1000s at a salon or shaved my head and looked terrible. The shaved head thing doesn't work for everyone. You have to have the right face, and a perfect shaped head.


Its nothing new, or unique to Richard Farrell. It is standard. TopLace can make the piece anyway you want it.. with poly sides, all poly, combo. super fine swiss. french. injected skin, knotted skin.. varying thickness.. everything at Farrell can get here and more. The only thing you will not find here that Farrell has, is a ridiculous price. There are many people on there who are X Farrell clients and X HCM clients etc.. They have seen both systems and choose these not only for the price, but the quality as well.

Just browse the pictures and u will be amazed. There are many photos on this forum.. Look up JAKE, MB, Sesster. GEL. These guys have shown whats possible with hair systems.


Only regret is I didn't do it sooner. Also when I was your age, they didn't have anything that looked even close to what Toplace has to offer today!


Confidence through the roof.  Why?  Because I'm more youthful looking.  I talk to chicks much more.  Why?  Because they all now seem more interested.  I dress better.  Why? It makes you want to... it's like a kick start for improving your life.

My life has improved dramatically because of Toplace.  It's like losing weight... on the same lines of it... I lost 25 pounds and felt similar to how I felt when I put a TopLace unit on my head.


Well I am officially a TopLace wearer!  And I will say first hand, that it is by far the best quality product I have seen.  What an incredible service you run.  Fast, affordable, and friendly.  A winning combination.  Thanks for the great work.  Feel free to use me as a reference/testimonial anywhere you need me.  I will be an exclusive customer from now on!

Omar Baig

I have worn hair for a while.  I have not ordered from Toplace but sent my info to John to get my first order right.

I had no Idea that you could order hair this way.  The hair clubs make it seem so technical and mysterious and I did figure out that it was not at all that.  I was always unhappy with the results from a hair salon.  I ALWAYS had to "fix" my hair when I went home and because of that I learned how to handle it, how to trim a cut that was not right, how to pluck the hairline. I thought there was something wrong with me because they all said how "GREAT" I looked after an appointment.  I thought I looked like a Jack-ass.....

Since I have been reading this forum I learned and actually did highlight and then bleach the knots and I can't believe how much better this hair looks.  I got a lot of the products recommended from this forum and now the hair looks newer, softer and just a lot fresher. WHY can't people that do this for a living get this stuff on their program????  I want to be free of anybody doing anything.  I know what looks best for me.  I know what problems I have had in the past and I know now that I can fix them.  All a person has to do is spend some time on this forum and everything that was not working out-dryness, bad bonding, fading, visible knots, one color helmet head, can be fixed and apparently we are better at it then the professionals.

Name Unknown

Many Thanks John

Ive had my very recent stock order (# 20 Swiss Lace Light density ) cut in and I am massively impressed without doubt the best stock piece Ive purchased since I've been using hairpieces for 25 yrs - easily as good as the very best custom order available anywhere in the world for me it fits perfectly as is - the colour is top class and the density is also perfect (I'm 62 yrs old) likewise the Swiss lace wished I been buying from you this quality for many years previous

let me know asap when you have you the next 20% off sale and I'll buy 5 of them -

Your service was outstanding too the unit arrived very quickly and easily

best regards


I bet I have saved over $10,000.00 since finding Toplace and this fourm, how about you?


I've received my hair system and I want to thank you so much.  It is absolutely gorgeous and far exceeds my expectations.  The hair feels amazing and it's so beautiful.  I've sent pictures to friends and all they can say is "Wow!!".  I am going to order another system soon.  I went to a salon that does hair systems to get this cut and she said she would make a template for me so I can send it to you. The hairstylist was so impressed.  Thank you so much for making me feel like myself again!


I have literally been a Toplace customer since the beginning.  To say that Toplace has been an important part of my life is an understatement.  Prior to wearing, I was trying anything that would conceal my hair loss - including sprinkling "hair fibers" on top of my head.  It's embarrassing to think about that now but back then it was important. 

Then I decided to take the plunge of wearing hair - and I haven't looked back.  There was an immediate sense of confidence and a sense of pride that I haven't felt for such a long time.  Did people immediately notice?  I'm sure they did but I've since learned that most people do many things to make themselves look and feel better.  If anybody noticed my "sudden" hair, they kept it to themselves. Instead all I heard was how great I looked.  Wearing hair is no longer the stigma it used to be - especially with how great Toplace pieces look. 

If you're on the fence about wearing, take it from me - Just Do It!  It'll be one of the best decisions you've ever made in your life.  And don't you deserve to invest in your happiness? 


I receive my (2) repaired units. Your implication is gold. Once again you gave me a top professional service. I can't go wrong with Toplace you keep being #1. Taking this time to send my warmest regards to you and to all you team making this long everlasting relationship possible. Wish you strong health love and many happy moments in 2024!!!

Thank you so much :-)

Sincerely, Denis Frenette. Montreal.


Just wanted to say thanks to John for getting me my order and let anyone who hasn't taken the plunge with Toplace to do so ASAP. The quality of my two new pieces is awesome. They were spot on with the specs. Prior to TL I was spending very close to $4000 per year with Transitions Intl (not 50% of the quality of TopLace).  What a waste! Thank you John. What would i do without you? (and Debbie!)


I have been ordering with Toplace for about 3-4 years or so.  I save around $3,000 a year.  I was with 'Transitions' who charged me $2,200 for 3 crummy mono w/poly side pieces and bi-tri weekly "attachment services" at $60 a pop, plus their crummy products. Thank you Toplace!


That's great Mike, you fell into this hairwearing thing at a right time because not too long ago, everybody needed indeed lots of money and most of the time the quality was much less...

Today, even guys with more money are migrating towards Toplace by principle, it's a feeling like we no longer want to be fooled anymore.

Enjoy your cheap hair - hehe


Hi John, I opened the package and.... WOW!

They are without doubt the closest to perfect I have ever received...EVER.  Even when I was sitting in the "studio" having measurements and samples taken.  I have to tweak, only slightly, a couple of things in the next order and it'll be perfect.  As it is, I can wear this straight out of the envelope!  The only way I can thank you, is to be a return customer, and that I'll be.  Thanks mate, I truly appreciate your efforts.

P.S. This is the first time I have ever received a piece in less that 20 weeks!!!


Thanks John that's nice to hear. Toplace is a God send....I am really happy now that I have switched to skin. The units look so realistic and stay attached for me twice as long as my old lace units. Appreciate the years of great products and service.


Wow!  I cant believe it. I had my first cut in yesteday and  still wasn't sure I wanted to do this until it all came together yesterday afternoon.  I used Didi in NYC for the cut-in and she was absolutely great!  I told her what I wanted to achieve in color and style and she worked with me all the way and used her own creativity to pull it off.

This was a stock piece and wasn't even  my own color.   It was a very light brown vs my medium brown hair. Didi liked me blonde so she left the entire front blonde and blended the rest into my color. I got so many compliments last night from friends (all women), the guys knew i changed my style, hair color etc but none of them knew it was a piece. One of the women insisted her husband (also bald) come to the bar to see it. He's going to be a toplace customer very soon. Lol!


I have been serviced by a company called JA Alternatives for about 10 years now.  I like their locations and staff very much, but their prices are ridiculous.

JA charges clients by contract.  You have to order 4 hair replacements at a time.  You have to sign their contract, which legally binds you to paying for all 4 on a schedule.  They are close to $1000 each!  Add to that the monthly charge of $105 for a haircut and re-bonding.  Not to mention that their "lace" product loses 75% of it's hair within 8-12 weeks, so you are going thru replacements costing over $4000 a year.

I am on disability with chronic health issues, so I am living on 60% of my former income.  Not only can I not afford JA anymore, but I found that your quality is even better.  Your color-matching has been far better, and the replacements I got from you have lasted twice as long as theirs!  The hair is just as soft and shiny and high quality.  Overall I could not be more satisfied and grateful for your services.

Barry N.

Just writing to tell you how much I appreciate your services.  I have been using you for a couple of years now after 15 years of expensive salons with inferior products.  It is nice to know that I can afford to switch out units before they fade and are obviously worn! Your services are A+++ in my book! Keep up the GREAT work!


I have seen Farrell's work and they are good.  I Choose TopLace every time more non-detectable and durable you do not need to compete with Richard Farrell's work. You are the best!
